NYC Skyline
NYC Skyline
So I haven’t updated my blog in about 4 months, so have probably lost 2 of the 3 people who read it – and that’s banking on my mum not giving up !
I think it may be a reflection of the life I now lead here – there aren’t less adventure in NY, less things worth blogging about. There aren’t naked people jumping out at me at lunch, the sense of adventure that I felt in India is gone in a Western city.
Another reason for starting blogging again is vanity. Where as searching “Nick Piper” on Google used to place me 3rd in rankings I have now dropped off the first page.
Still, I feel I have left a legacy from my time in India – search for “Kingfisher Hangover” in Google.
I had previously said that I found the levels of poverty in NY quite startling – how in contrasted the vast wealth all around it.
Noam Chomsky must have been reading my blog:
I was in NY for the 9/11 anniversary, but had planned to ignore the memorial activities.
At risk of offending  colleagues/friends/Americans, I feel the coverage is disproportionate to the coverage and sympathy that is given to the thousands of people that have died across the world in the last ten years from any number of wars or tragedies.
However, as I walked back to my apartment the night before, I was struck in awe by the two beams of light that shone into the sky fro ground zero. With a low cloud it almost looked like Independence day .
Then on the morning, against my plans, I decided to walk down to the Ground Zero.
When I arrived, family members were reading out the all the names of those who had been killed – which was enough to make me well up. Having solumly wandered around I returned to my apartment and saw that there was a gathering being held in the road outside the police station under my apartment.
I respectfully joined the gathering at the back and listened speeches by the wives, colleagues and children of the fireman who had died. This was incredibly moving and I felt privileged to be sharing such an intimate moment with them.
9/11 Lights
I have fallen behind in my blogging – must catch up ! Looking back my blogging ground to a halt last time I was in NY too.
Must try harder.
So soon to come, Singapore, Kanyakumari and more bits I cant remember right now…
When visiting New York I experienced a reverse culture shock.
From shopping in my local Indian supermarket where I can only sometimes get decent cheese if a Frenchman has smuggled some in his underpants – I was presented with an overwhelming choice of items in the American grocery stores.
When buying a toothbrush – I was faced with a wall of toothbrushes, when getting a cereal – a whole isle of cereal packets. It really was overwhelming and left me dazed and confused.
The experience reminded me of a TED talk I saw on the paradox of choice. More choice doesn’t make us happier but more dissatisfied.
Having spent so long in a hot country its been quite refreshing to have so much snow!
Ice-Berg right ahead !
Arsenal vs Spurs – 7.45am on Saturday.
Too early for a pub? I don’t think so.
Fortunately, I haven’t encountered any but I am worried the more hotels I stay in the more likely it is that I will.
So far I have stayed in:
Although some people would find the constant upheaval a pain, I am enjoying the changes and getting to see lots of New Yorks hotels !
I have found a new appreciation for Autumn, which I am putting down to one or more of the following:
Either way, the views are quite beautiful – its a shame I only have my camera phone – which doesn’t do it justice.
The Fall
Don’t walk around office on laptop on skype video chat – you cant see where you are going.
At first I thought I had got away with my clumsiness, then a cartoon bruise rose from my face.
There was a point last year when I debated running the NY Marathon with Dave- but didn’t think I would be able to make it to NY (let alone run 26 miles)
Anyway, Dave completed the Marathon in a very respectable 4.06.
Go Dave!
Give me a "D"
Team Weeds !
So after 6 weeks of searching i finally struck gold.
I went to an Indian restaurant in midtown for dinner last night, and as the waiter I approached I analyzed his appearance – dark skin, belt wrapped round one and a half times – so far so good.
Having been burnt many times before, I asked him if he was from India or Bangladesh.
“India Sir”
Game on.
“Where abouts?” I innocently inquired.
He then got 3 months pent up Tamil all at once, complete with head wobbles.
“Thank you, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,eight, nine, ten, my name is nick, masala dosa, welcome”
His puzzled look turned to a smile and he introduced himself, ” My name is Saravanan – call me Sam”. No Sam, call you Saravanan.
Anyway, made me realise how much I miss India – I’m gonna eat there everyday till I leave.
Its been a while since I posted – I will be catching up over the next few weeks.
I am in New York now, spending on average 3-4 nights in a hotel, before moving to the next cheap deal that I can find on the web. It would be better and easier to stay in one hotel, but I can because …
*courtesy of Joel. Ep.
I was walking along the street in NY and saw a country’s name in the glass reflection of a building.
I turned around to see what was reflecting to give that impression – and it was Americas National debt ! Which proves they rule the world etc.. (insert bullshit here)
jew'd have thought it...
In central park is a small memorial dedicated to John Lennon, in an area called Strawberry Fields (named after the song – not vice versa)
As it was what would on been his 70th birthday, a fairly large crowd gathered, to with guitars and a full drum kit (!) to sing his and Beatles songs.
I didn’t know any of the songs, it was really crowded and then just as I left they played a classic. Just my luck.
Starwberry Fields