Archive for February, 2010

The biggest tune right now . .

Thursday, February 4th, 2010

All the music you hear in Chennai (and probably India) is from a film. Not some of it – all of it. There’s not a Top 40, no TOTP, just music from films.

Every now and then there is a song that you will not be able to escape – it’s on peoples phones, in their cars or just blaring from houses. The latest one is from Slum Dog Millionaire Composer,  A.R. Rahman and its called Hosanna.

I would say I hear it at least twice a day, every day.

Groundhog Day.


Monday, February 1st, 2010

A mail has been doing the rounds about a rickshaw driver called Samson, who has his own website and has become a bit of a celebrity in Chennai.

His site was made by a BA crew member who had been using him and a Norwegian subsequently donated Samson a laptop.

Now the media have picked up on this and there was an article in The Hindu this weekend, followed by an interview on the radio this morning.

However, I am not in a rush to get a lift as I rarely use rickshaws and have been told that my frivolity when paying raises the prices for other Westerners!