Archive for May, 2010


Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

Shopping Western style is fairly limited in Chennai – so I was pleased to spot “London Shopping Festival” was coming to town – with a replica of London bridge !

As we wandered around – clearly the only Londoners in a 4 mile radius -  I started to wonder what the London connection was exactly. And as nice as the replica “London Bridge” was – a quick search on google would have revealed it was in fact Tower Bridge.

London Shopping

London Shopping Festival

Austin Towers

Austin Towers

Summer Olympics

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

Summer is here again – and its back to scorchio – 38 degrees and rising.

My new house mate Austin has moved in, so instead of me wasting the day on my own resuing insects from the pool – we decided to get sporty.

First event – Lilo race

Second event – Surf in the pool

Third event – Kite surf.

Now, bearing in mind that being Western we attract a lot of stares in the street from locals, we knew that taking a 19 foot kite onto the beach was going to be an Indian magnet – and so it proved to be.

Still, with a crowd of about 70 watching us we were able to launch the kite and Austin was able to skid along the beach. Unfortuntaley the wind dropped so we couldnt try it in the sea, but nevertheless, much fun.

Davio Surfing

If everybody had a ocean . .

nick kite

Lets go fly a kite . .

Sea Surf

something funny...

The Weeds Returns

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

Simon and I were having Dinner so we sent my driver to pick up Dave from the airport with a sign . . .

