Don’t spit anywhere – we are inside a building !

Don’t spit anywhere – we are inside a building !
Lots of stories from the philippines – but i’ll let the pictures do the talking.
Before I left India there was time for one last party, and as ever what was supposed to be a small intimate affair turned out to be much larger than expected.
Because there was a new Government in Chennai, the alcohol and club licensing laws are changed. Essentially this means that the new Minister for fun has not yet been paid off, so he restricts alcohol sales.
As a result, people get in the habit of going out earlier in the knowledge that the night will end at 11pm.
So where as my parties wouldn’t usually get going till midnight or later – as people filer out of the bars and clubs – I had a decent crowd by 8pm.
Then at about 9pm the heavens opened and the rain came down torrentially. Cue the music being turned up and everyone jumping in the pool – it was a special moment.
Last Party