Archive for December, 2010

Land of the free

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

It’s fairly sickening to listen to the rubbish the American right come out with in relation to the leaked cables. Yes a slightly more serious post than usual, but relevant to me being in USA.

Last night I saw a pundit on Fox news saying that the release of the cables wasn’t whistle blowing as it wasn’t revealing illegal activity. Seriously?

And then today I have read that a presedential hopeful has called for capital punishment for the person who leaked the files and Sarah Palin spouting that Julian Assagne should be hunted down like al-Qaeda.

Surely this contradicts their hallowed first ammendmnet?

We are lucky to live in a world where the internet cannot be surpressed and the truth can be told.

The return of Barry one leg

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

I was fairly surprised to see Barry One-Leg had found my blog, unfortunately he hadn’t taken Dave’s comments too kindly.

Barry – feel free to return to my blog and abuse Dave whenever you want.
