Sandhya has had a little boy “Lakshmi Narayanan”
I adopted my usual “uncomfortable oh shit I am gonna drop him” look which i have perfected over the years…

Sri Hari
Sandhya has had a little boy “Lakshmi Narayanan”
I adopted my usual “uncomfortable oh shit I am gonna drop him” look which i have perfected over the years…
Sri Hari
What i love about India is you think you’ve seen it all, know everything there is to know, something happens that takes you by surprise.
On Wednesday, a member of staff found a 3 foot Indian python wrapped behind the headlight in the steering chassis of his motorbike.
The motorbike was wheeled to the road and tipped over, where I am sad to say it was then attacked with sticks and killed.
Badger Badger Badger
Snake, its a Snake . .
So, despite the numerous times I have listed my contact details or referrer’s contact details in various documents when applying for a visa, no one contacted me to let me know the visa laws were changing and I had 3 days to leave the country or risk overstaying my visa, an arbitrary fine and potentially not being let back in to the country.
Fortunately someone i met 3 weeks before informed me and I was able to get a flight out the next day and return to the UK to apply for an Employment visa.
The main aim of the change in law was to prevent foreign workers from taking low skilled jobs in India and to get taxes from the expatriate workers were on business visas (like myself).
Not surprising the government is looking to raise funds, since they has just realised they have been paying $43m to 22,000 non existent workers in Dehli!
Noel EPmonds
Due to my not too uncommon procrastination, my blog was not just taken offline but erased due to non payment of a small bill.
Anyway, all is back now, lesson learned and I will be updating shortly with Diwali, Visa dramas and more . .